Monday, November 6, 2017

Bob, Not Bob (To be Read as Though you have the worst cold ever) by Liz Garton Scanlon and Audrey Vernick

" Little Louie has the worst cold ever. All he wants is his mom, but every time he calls for her, slobbery Bob the dog comes running instead." (book jacket)

Little Louie has a terrible cold that is affecting his ears and has stuffed up his nose. As he tries to get his mom's attention, his dog, Bob, thinks Louie is calling him. Little Louie gets frustrated because no one can properly understand him and his dog is confused because he thinks Louie wants him. As Louie gets worse (like we all do when sick) he is even difficult to understand until his mom in her frustration crawls into bed with him. . . just what Louie wanted.

I love that the full title of this book is "To be read as though you have the worst cold ever: Bob, Not Bob!"  Little Louie was the right amount of pathetic during his illness and you could feel his frustrations in the illustrations by Matthew Cordell

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